africa inland mission — african mobilization

Re-Imagining Mission for the 21st Century
Partner with AIM
Africa Inland Mission has long realized that reaching Africa’s unreached with the gospel would be a task for the whole Church, and we see African Christians as a crucial part of that labor force. AIM is excited to walk with African Christians who feel called to missions and have the support of their local church. With over 12O years of experience in mobilizing and sustaining missionaries to serve in Africa, maybe we can help facilitate your calling. To start a conversation, link here.
The african mobilization hub
With the number of Christians on the continent increasing daily, there is a move of God’s Spirit to envision this part of the body to take up the baton and go. The AIM Mobilization Hub is our organization’s response to this move. It is based on a partnership model, providing services that will help facilitate the mobilization of African missionaries. The Hub interacts, impacts, and learns from various different entities: the local church, training institutions, mission agencies, all denominations, para-church, individuals, and the diaspora.
The distant boat
“The Distant Boat” is an AIM-produced, feature-length movie drama inviting African churches to embrace their unique opportunity in reaching Africa’s unreached peoples. The two-hour film is available for download in multiple languages. Additional resources to spur engagement with congregations and small groups are also available. Connect to this award-winning resource at
Stories: videos and articles
In 1895, the church in traditional mobilizing countries (America, England, Canada. etc.) was strong, and the church in Africa, with a few exceptions, was almost non-existent. In the 21st century, the tables are turned: the church is in decline in many Western mobilizing countries and is booming in virtually all sub-Saharan African countries. Jesus Christ is building His church in Africa. And the Lord of the Harvest is calling more and more African laborers into His harvest fields. Explore this ongoing series about Africans on the front lines of this work.

Partnering with AIM
Partnering with AIM is not a form of employment. The missionaries we send, regardless of their nationality, come having raised all of their own financial support and look to AIM for strategic placement in ministry and the opportunity to work with a team of like-minded people. With over 12O years of experience in mobilizing and sustaining missionaries to serve in Africa, maybe we can help facilitate your calling.
To start a conversation, please submit the form below.
NOTE: This form is for African nationals only.