
The third stage of your AIM Orientation
Welcome to your new home!

You have finally arrived! After all the chaos and transition of planning, organising, packing, moving, and saying goodbyes, you are finally here and ready to begin Inbound, the third and final stage of your orientation process.

The first year of an assignment can present many challenging situations as you take time to learn not only the basics of the language and culture, but the deeper attitudes, unspoken rules and expectations, and meanings behind cultural practices. No matter where you are on your lifelong journey of learning, Inbound is designed to help you transition well over the next year so that you will thrive personally, spiritually and culturally in your new life and ministry.

You have a facilitator to help you work through Inbound and to hold you accountable for what you are learning. Click here to read more about facilitators.

If you are a facilitator yourself, click here.

Inbound is divided into four main categories with subtopics under each one. Jump Start must be done first, but the other three categories are flexible as to the order in which you work through them. There is also a resources section with helpful books, articles and websites for further study on various topics. However, much of your learning will come by interacting with others through observation, questioning, discussion and practice.
The basic things you need to know initially in order to function in your new environment, including your homestay and preliminary language learning.
Little is more important than taking care of your soul and practicing spiritual disciplines that enable you to do that better. This section also addresses using your specific role to disciple others.
This section builds upon Jump Start, delving more deeply into practical living, understanding your host culture, becoming a belonger and provides tools for ongoing language learning.
This section focuses on getting to know AIM better, functioning well on a cross-cultural team and developing good interpersonal skills.
Breakthrough Prayer

Gracious Father, we face confusing times and a changing world. We do not always know what to do, but our eyes are on you. Almighty God, raise up men and women of Issachar, who have understanding of the times and know what we ought to do. 2 Chronicles 20:12

Sovereign Lord, we want to grow as disciples of Jesus and disciple-makers for Jesus. Please give each and every one of us a new disciple to walk with and train, who will far surpass our own ministry and multiply disciples, to the glory and praise of God! 1 Chronicles 12:32

Loving Savior, cause our love to abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that we may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God. Philippians 1:9-11