Cultural Profiles

Cultural Profiles

One of the difficulties people often face in ministry, which ultimately leads to conflict in teams, is simply not being aware of or understanding the cultures of their teammates.

WEC International, in their team manual United We Serve (2002), put together profiles written by their members of various nationalities. Most of the profiles have been updated by AIM members to make them more current. If the cultural profile for you or your teammate is not here, please let your facilitator know.

It is important to keep in mind that these profiles are generalisations, and by no means describe everyone in a culture, especially when personalities and Christian worldview are factored in! However, they do give some important characteristics that could help you and your team members or fellow workers to understand one another better and help foster greater unity.

To view a particular profile, click on it below.

American Profile

Australian Profile

Brazilian Profile

British Profile

Canadian Profile

Dutch Profile

French Profile

German Profile

Hong Kong Chinese Profile

New Zealander Profile

South African Profile

South Korean Profile

Swiss Profile

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