Third Culture Kids Resources | Articles


As a TCK, there are times where I let that define who I am and only that. I have learned over the years to look at myself as who God says I am and to put my identity in Him instead of my experiences or who other people say I am. The author wrote a great list of truths of who we are in Christ.

Belonging is an interesting topic among TCKs. I have lived in 5 countries and 5 states and I still have no idea “where I am from” or “where I belong” when it comes to a geographical location. One thing the author writes about is unconforming to where you are now. I am definitely guilty of doing that; not accepting that people will understand me or that I will fit in. 

“Cultural differences may, of course, cause challenges, not only for teens, but also for adults. The difference is, however, that in most cases, adults already have a rather stable sense-of-self in comparison to teens, who are just trying to figure it all out.”

I like this article because I can relate to feeling like I belong to 2 (or more) cultures.