Third Culture Kids Resources | Videos

When I meet someone new, I am fairly certain they grew up overseas when they struggle to answer the question “where are you from”. And for TCKs, depending on who you are talking to and how much time they have, sometimes that depends on your response.
For me, saying goodbye has never been easy. One girl says that she just slips away and how that hasn’t really worked. I’ve done that in the past and I can attest that it definitely doesn’t work and makes me even more sad in the long run. But someone else talked about getting all their friends together and doing something memorable. I think memories we make with friends and families are what make goodbyes so hard, but it’s worth it in the end.
One thing they talk about in this video is all the weird questions people ask TCKs. I once got asked if it rained in Africa 🙂
Being a part of other cultures is something I will always be grateful for, even when it was often challenging.
One TCK talked about a friend group he had made and how he thought they were getting closer, so he asked a more serious question “how is college going?”. Those friends blew it off and didn’t answer him. He mentions that that was really hard because he thought they were closer and that it would be easier to open up now that they had hung out more.
This video also talks about an Adult TCK and his experience overseas.