Mark & Jan Olander

Mark and Jan Olander began ministry with Africa Inland Mission in 1994 investing in the lives of African church leaders through Theological Education and discipleship. Working in Kenya, the Olanders served as part of the team at Africa International University in Kenya’s capitol city of Nairobi. In addition to the work at the school, Jan also had a ministry to Kenyan and missionary women.
Later in their career, the Olanders divided their time between the United States and Kenya, working to disciple Africans living here in the U.S., and returning to Kenya to continue their educational ministry.
Mark has written a number of books and training materials to help others involved in discipleship ministry.
They also enjoy sharing their gift of music with others, often leading times of worship. Be sure and watch Mark’s version of Johnny Cash’s I’ve Been Everywhere below.
If you visit the Center and happen to hear the friendly roar of a motorcycle engine rounding the bend, that’s most likely Mark heading out for a spin around the lake on his trusty Honda Shadow.
With apologies to Johnny Cash, Mark leads the Retirement Center Community
in his own version of I’ve Been Everywhere