AIM International

Multi-Cultural Teams

Interpersonal Skills

Host Church

AIM International


To be familiar with the purpose, values, mission, structures and policies of AIM International

To be able to articulate AIM’s Vision and your role in accomplishing it

To pray regularly for the Unreached People Groups of Africa and for AIM International to accomplish its ends

The purpose of this section is to help you understand more fully what this organisation is all about, the structure, and how you as a member fit into that.

In short, AIM International exists to make disciples of the peoples of Africa by establishing Christ-centred churches among all African peoples, with priority for the unreached. Our three core values are: God-centred, ministry focused, and member orientated and our ‘preferred culture’ (what we want to become) emphasises 5 Ss: service, sacrifice, suffering, seeking and submission (GMP01 in AIM’s Member Handbook).


The International Council serves to set direction for AIM and provide accountability for achieving AIM’s purpose.

The role of the International Office, under the direction of the International Director, is primarily to oversee and ensure that the organisation is following through on the direction set for it by IC.

The Mobilising and Receiving Regions and Departments are in communication with one another to strategise and to provide placements that will foster the accomplishment of AIM’s purposes.

Identification of unreached peoples, vision casting, and decision making for each region takes place at the regional levels.

Relevant Documents (links take you to the company SharePoint site):

To Discuss

As you continue to get to know AIM, here are some questions for you to consider and be prepared to discuss with your facilitator:

  • In observing AIM, what values do you see being put into practice and what values are you yourself exhibiting?
  • How often are you participating in AIM activities such as regional conferences, unit gatherings, prayer days, retreats, etc? Are you sending your prayer updates to your Mobilising Office, Regional Office, Unit Leader and the International Office ( to help them know how to pray for you?
  • How are you getting to know fellow members and how God is at work in other AIM ministries and locations? Pray Africa is a good place to get updates on what God is doing among various Unreached People Groups. Luke’s weekly prayer email is another way to be part of what God is doing across the organisation.
  • Are there any policies you don’t understand or any questions about AIM’s structures, values or ministry principles?