AIM International

Multi-Cultural Teams

Interpersonal Skills

Host Church

Host Church


To seek to understand the vision and structures of the local church (if applicable) and look for appropriate opportunities to serve

To look for opportunities to mobilise your local church toward mission

The following ministry principles (found in the AIM member handbook, CCP01) show that it is a priority to engage the local church in any ministry AIM undertakes.

A. Ministry shall be undertaken, wherever possible, in partnership with African churches and/or African sending organizations.

B. Ministry shall be undertaken only after agreeing to terms useful for achieving AIM International’s ends statement.

C. Church related ministries shall be established in such a manner as to be repeatable-economically, technically and culturally, through the development and empowerment of those with whom we serve.

D. Ministries shall be undertaken with clear parameters regarding the accomplishment of the assignment, allowing the member to move on to his/her next task.

E. Church related ministries shall be initiated in partnership with indigenous leadership.

Your Children and Church

If you are in a big city, the church services may be fairly westernised, but when you are in a rural area, you’re in for a treat! Sunday IS the Lord’s Day, and most rural Africans think being in church all morning is the place to be. It can be hard for a child to sit for a long time. Take a look at Going to Church in Africa for some ideas for your older children. For pre-schoolers try and set goals; decide whether it is a good idea to take a fussing child out of the service for a while or not. See what local parents do.

To Discuss

As you regularly evaluate your role in partnership with the local church, be prepared to discuss the following with your facilitator:

  • How often are you praying for your local church and its leadership?
  • In what ways are you actively participating in your local church?
  • How are you partnering with the local church and leaders in your ministry role?
  • How would your church/ local believers define ‘unreached people group’? In what ways are you impacting the vision, strategy, and activities of the local church towards outreach?
  • Who in your church might be a candidate for leadership training or missions/ evangelism?