First Things First

Language Introduction


First Things First…


To receive basic information necessary to be able to function in the new host culture within your first few days and weeks.

Understandably you are likely both relieved to be in your host culture and feeling exhausted from the recent transition and all the information you have taken in. It may seem very daunting to think of taking in anything else. But take heart—you don’t have to learn everything today!


Here are some things that your facilitator, team leader, or unit leader will address with you right away. You may think of others that apply to your specific situation as well.

  • ‘Go-to’ or contact person in the community
  • Basic cultural dos and don’ts (including dress, appropriate male/female interaction, etc)
  • For singles, expectations and guidelines regarding dating relationships (both expat and local)
  • Basic personal security, hygiene and health, including food hygiene
  • Internet and mobile phones
  • Important phone numbers
  • Where and how to get money; exchange rate; currency
  • Local shopping, where and how to buy food
  • Basic cooking
  • Initial home setup needs
  • Basic greetings and phrases to use during homestay