
Language Introduction


Introduction to Language


To start building new relationships through a learner attitude

To receive tools for language and culture acquisition

To formulate an initial plan for language learning using the tools you have received


Now that you have been introduced to the practical every day realities for immediate survival in your new location, it’s time for an introduction to language and culture acquisition.

To help you with these goals, most of you will participate in a modified LAMP course, which is led by a trained language facilitator. In some cases you may do your homestay while attending the course during the day. Your Inbound facilitator or regional office will work that out with you.

While LAMP gives you an introduction to language acquisition, it is only the first step. Depending on your ministry and location, you may attend a language school or work with a language helper in a social context using a variety of methods that will be explained later. Success primarily depends on your motivation, the amount of time you devote to language learning, and having someone hold you accountable.