Spiritual Fitness

Making Disciples

Spiritual Fitness


To engage regularly in practices that facilitate deeper intimacy with Jesus
To make a plan to re-evaluate periodically to see what’s working well and what changes you need to make

I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

John 15:5

A well-cared for soul is the best thing we can offer the kingdom of God, our mission agency, and those around us.

Jim van Meter

This journey is full of dead ends, muddy detours, and mistreatment from others as well as open doors, adventure, and encouragement. Jesus came that we would all have ‘life to the full’. Life for our soul comes from intimacy with God, and each of us needs to intentionally nurture that in ourselves.

As an illustration of this, think about breathing. We often have a distorted view of servanthood that says we must be all things to all people at all times in all places for all things. The problem with this is that it’s like constantly trying to breathe out without ever breathing in. It’s impossible!

Jesus took time regularly to care for Himself physically, emotionally and spiritually:

Luke 8 & Mark 4: Jesus slept in the boat and let the disciples handle the details of getting them to their destination.

Matt 26:38: Jesus asked his friends to stand with Him in prayer.

Matt 14:23, Mark 1:35: Jesus withdrew from people to be alone with the Father

It’s vital for your own wellbeing, as well as that of your family and your ministry that you recognise your limitations and weaknesses and take time out to ‘breathe in’ and let Jesus care for your soul. We all go through ‘seasons’ even in our spiritual walks.

Slow down and be in touch with your own soul enough that you will know when it’s in trouble so that you can do what it takes to reset the correct focus.

To Discuss

Here are some questions to regularly ask yourself and to discuss with your facilitator:

  • Where is my spiritual nourishment coming from?
  • What else is bringing me life and refreshing my soul these days?
  • Am I daily putting on the armour of God? What spiritual disciplines am I practicing regularly?
  • In what ways is Satan trying to oppose my ministry and walk with the Lord?
  • What ‘hedges’ am I maintaining to promote moral purity?
  • What fruits of the spirit seem to be evident or lacking in my life?

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

Proverbs 4:23

Part of guarding your heart and caring for your soul is being able to recognize and cope with the difficult seasons that inevitably will come. Click here to read more and get ideas for spiritual refreshment.