
About Our School
Our Mission

What We Stand For

Founded in 2010 by Africa Inland Mission, Wellspring Academy is a day school dedicated to providing quality English-medium education for the children of cross-cultural Christian workers serving in Chad. We serve grades 1-8.

Located in N’Djamena, Chad, the school currently has an enrollment of 24 students.


Our Facilities

We provide quality education for families serving in this nation that is home to 70 unreached people groups.

We have a 3 classroom school and a growing library of over 5500 English books.

In addition to providing day school services, Wellspring also provides support for families who homeschool their children anywhere in Chad.

We have multiple grades in a classroom and offer an international curriculum that is combined from a wide variety of sources. Our school year runs from August to May.

Wellspring Academy’s Head Teacher, Hannah Coggins, has 15 years of experience teaching missionary children in Africa.

Please pray with us as we make Wellspring Academy a school that honors God in all we do.

Additional Support

HomeSchool Support

Each year Wellspring Academy hosts two homeschool weeks.

These weeks are designed to set the daily routine aside and to welcome homeschoolers from all around Chad to join us for a week of special activities and learning.

The cost is built into the day school student tuition.

The second homeschool week of each year  is the week we offer annual standardized testing for each child grades 3-8. Please contact the Head Teacher at Wellspring if you are planning to have your child(ren) tested.

Homeschool families are welcome to utilize our library services.  With an annual fee families are welcome to borrow books to enjoy in the village for up to a 3 month period.  Please see the current staff to make arrangements to sign up for these services.

Visit the resources page to view homeschool week times and dates


The Lending Library

This growing library of over 5500 English books is a powerful collection of books used by Wellspring Academy students. We ensure that our students have the resources they need to succeed.



English Books in the library


Years Established

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Wellspring Policies

To view our current policies and procedures please visit the Policies and Procedures page.