Our passion is to see the worship of Jesus Christ spread among Africans around the globe – through individual lives fully committed to him, and collectively through Christ-centred churches.
Serving and equipping the church of Jesus Christ to make disciples of the peoples of Africa.
Today, hundreds of Africa’s unique ethnic people groups remain unreached – that’s over 300 million people with no viable witness to the good news. Africa Inland Mission serves, equips, and mobilizes churches and believers from the global Church to advance the gospel among Africans who have the least opportunity to hear about Jesus.
United by Christ’s love, we welcome laborers from many nations and cultures to step out into cross-cultural ministry and find their place in the Great Commission. Wherever we minister, we follow the model and teaching of Jesus as we walk in humility, build relationships, embrace learner attitudes, and strive to live as belongers in our communities. We serve on diverse teams, and in collaboration with varied ministry partners, giving testimony to the truth and beauty of the Body of Christ. Our passion is to see the worship of Jesus Christ spread among Africans around the globe – through individual lives fully committed to him, and collectively through Christ-centred churches.
Africa Inland Mission has been leading people into meaningful ministry for over 100 years, but the work is far from finished. As we press on, we lean into the critical task of mobilizing, equipping, training, and sending local African believers and missionaries toward this great calling, and we continue to adapt and embrace creative ways to bring the message of Christ to an ever-changing world.

To learn more about being a part of reaching the peoples of Africa with the Good News of Jesus Christ, select the AIM office nearest you.