For the Facilitators

Thank you for being willing to invest in a new member as they transition into the third and final stage of orientation!

Inbound is designed to have someone walk alongside members in their new environment as they learn more about such things as:

  • How to function day to day
  • How to maintain good spiritual health
  • How to communicate effectively
  • Cultural attitudes & practices (including the deeper meanings)
  • How to balance personal and family time with community
  • How to relate well with the host church, community, and teammates of other cultures
  • How to share the Gospel in a culturally appropriate way
  • What it means to be a disciple of Christ in their new culture

As an Inbound facilitator, you have the opportunity to pull from your own experiences and participate in this journey with new members, helping to ease the process of transition throughout their first two years as they become settled and learn to thrive in their new setting.

Please remember that you have flexibility. As people and locations are all different, you will need to modify the structure to fit your setting, keeping the core components in place. A few resources have been included to help you better understand the process and your role as facilitator. Before beginning, please read through each page of Inbound to get an overall feel for the program. Then you can go back and review specific pages in preparation for meeting with the member.

The Facilitator Guide will answer many of your questions about the layout and process of Inbound, as well as your responsibilities as a facilitator. The guide refers to two Facilitator Reports that you can download, as well as the Guide, using these links: Facilitator Guide, Report Form 1, Report Form 2

Facilitator Suggestions gives further information or ideas to use for each page of Inbound. Click here to download it.

The Ongoing Accountability Questions document lists all the reflection/accountability questions from each page in one place for quick reference. You may choose to ask each of the specific questions listed, or you may simply wish to use them as a springboard for discussion about the topics. Click here to download it.

The following links take you to folders on our company SharePoint site (you’ll need to sign in) where you will find a number of documents providing resources and ideas that will help you as a facilitator: Inbound FOCUS Team, Inbound Individual, Inbound Mentoring Bridge.