Margaret Papov:

At 3pm on Saturday afternoon lightning struck in three different villages near us in a triangle. The villages are anywhere from 20 to 37 km away from Magambua.

In Handa village it struck two people and killed one.

In Gungi village it struck three people, one died.

In Mombose village it struck four people, all of whom are still living.

One of the men struck in Mombose was brought to us on Monday morning. His family say he was unconscious from the minute he was struck until Monday morning. They killed two sheep and fed him the blood of both of them to help revive him. He is walking with no ill effects right now. The lightning entered his right shoulder, passed across his back and down the left side of his body exiting through his left calf. It seems the Lord is not finished with this man’s life yet.


Please pray for the people and families affected by these events, that it will lead them to a relationship with Jesus.

It also reminds me how significant is every minute we get to live where the Lord has planted us. Let’s bloom for Him.


February 2014