Asia Pacific Council and Boards

Our people

The AIM Asia-Pacific Region includes offices in Australia, Hong Kong and New Zealand. Each country/area operates as separate legal, charitable entity. They cooperate as the Asia-Pacific Region, under the Asia-Pacific Director and Council, operating from the Australia office.  



Company Name:  

Africa Inland Mission Ltd. 

ABN: 76 948 116 145 

Council Members:

Mr Peter Aldridge (Chair) 

Mrs Heather Love 

Mr Ben Chia

Mr Kevin Lane

Mr Tim Matthews (Asia-Pacific Director / Chief Executive Officer)  

We welcome inquiries from people in AU interested in joining the board. Contact us for more details. 


Trust Name:  

Africa Inland Mission International New Zealand  


Mr Andrew Mun (Treasurer)

Mr Max Guptill   

Mr Ted Sherwood (Chair) 




Company Name: 

Africa Inland Mission International (Hong Kong) Limited

Council Members:

Mr Danny Sit

Rev. Connie Lin

Miss Janet Lo 

Mr David Mok 

Miss Woo Fung-yuk  

Pastor Elena Chan

Dr Jack Hung (Hon. General Secretary)