Asia Pacific Council and Boards

Our people

The AIM Asia-Pacific Region includes offices in Australia, Hong Kong and New Zealand. Each country/area operates as separate legal, charitable entity. They cooperate as the Asia-Pacific Region, under the Asia-Pacific Director and Council, operating from the Australia office.  



Company Name:  

Africa Inland Mission Ltd. 

ABN: 76 948 116 145 

Council Members:

Mr Peter Aldridge (Chair) 

Mrs Heather Love 

Mr Ben Chia

Mr Kevin Lane

Mr Tim Matthews (Asia-Pacific Director / Chief Executive Officer)  

We welcome inquiries from people in AU interested in joining the board. Contact us for more details. 


Our New Zealand office has now closed.  Please contact our Australia office with any questions.




Company Name: 

Africa Inland Mission International (Hong Kong) Limited

Council Members:

Mr Danny Sit

Rev. Connie Lin

Miss Janet Lo 

Mr David Mok 

Miss Woo Fung-yuk  

Pastor Elena Chan

Dr Jack Hung (Hon. General Secretary)