Asia Pacific regional offices

Our teams

The AIM Asia-Pacific Region includes offices in Australia, Hong Kong and New Zealand. Each country/area operates as separate legal, charitable entity. They cooperate as the Asia-Pacific Region, under the Asia-Pacific Director and Council, operating from the Australia office.  



Company Name:  

Africa Inland Mission Ltd.

ABN: 76 948 116 145   

Postal address:  

PO Box 328 GOSFORD, NSW 2250 


16/482 Pacific Highway, WYOMING 2250 

Phone:  02 4322 4777 


Finance Officer:  

Personnel Manager:  


Trust Name:  

Africa Inland Mission International New Zealand  

June 2024
Our New Zealand Trust is in the process of being wound up and the office has now closed.

AIM retains a presence in New Zealand through our Mission Mentors, current Kiwi missionary and our valued individual and church supporters.  We are hopeful new and increased interest in the work of AIM and opportunities to partner with churches in New Zealand will be developed in the coming months and years. 

Please contact the Australia/Asia-Pacific office of you have any inquiry relating to New Zealand, or if you are from New Zealand and wish to inquire about serving with AIM. 


Association Name: 

Africa Inland Mission International (Hong Kong) Limited 

Postal address: 

P.O. Box 62324

Kwun Tong Post Office

Kowloon HONG KONG 

Phone: 852 2770 5380  

Hon. Gen  

You can find the AIM Councils and Board members here.