Africa Inland Mission’s purpose is to help churches globally fulfil our Lord’s Great Commission: “…go and make disciples of all nations …” Matthew’s Gospel 28:18.
Our focus is on the people of Africa and the nearby Indian Ocean islands, both living there and worldwide.
Our desire is for communities of African Christians to live transformed lives because of their faith in the living God and to worship in Christ-centred churches.
Our priority is to reach Africa’s unreached people groups with the life-changing news of Jesus Christ. Almost 1,000 African people groups with more than 250,000 million people remain unreached.
You can bring blessing through Your Will.
You can help Africa Inland Mission Ltd in Australia, AIM entities in New Zealand, and Hong Kong facilitate churches in the Asia-Pacific to fulfil their role in the Great Commission by sending and supporting Gospel workers.

In your will, you may wish to leave a gift of money, an asset, or the balance of your estate to Africa Inland Mission.
If you live in Australia, you can give to Africa Inland Mission Ltd. 16/482 Pacific Highway Wyoming, 2250, PO Box 328 Gosford, NSW 2250. OR
If you live in New Zealand, you can give to Africa Inland Mission International New Zealand of 16/297A Church St, ONEHUNGA, Auckland 1061, PO Box 13457 Onehunga Auckland, 1643.
While we recommend you consult your solicitor, suggested working can include the following:
A Gift of Money
You may wish to leave a sum of money to AIM:
“I give the sum of (specify the sum in words, e.g., Five thousand dollars, and figures, e.g., $5,000) to
Africa Inland Mission (insert AIM details from above for Australia or NZ)
to be used in its work in Australia (or New Zealand, as appropriate) and overseas, and the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer of (insert AIM entity name) shall be sufficient discharge to my Executor.”
A Gift of an Asset
You may wish to leave AIM a gift of land:
“I give, free from all duties, all that parcel of land located at (insert address of land) and being land described in Certificate of Title Volume (insert number) and Folio (insert number) to Africa Inland Mission (insert AIM entity and address details from above for Australia or NZ.)
OR some other asset, such as a vehicle:
“I give my (list specific items or give a general description of items) to Africa Inland Mission (insert AIM entity and address details from above for Australia or NZ).
The Balance of an Estate
“I give the whole of my estate (or specify a percentage e.g., 20%) to Africa Inland Mission (insert AIM details from above for Australia or NZ) to be used in its work in Australia (or NZ, as appropriate) and overseas, and the receipt of the Treasurer or some other proper officer of Africa Inland Mission (insert entity name) shall be sufficient discharge to my Executor.
“Subject to the previous clauses (of my will), my Executor will divide the balance of my estate into one or more equal parts and will hold in trust and distribute such parts as follows:
Two (2) such parts to my nephew (Full Name) should he survive me by thirty (30) days.
One (1) such part to Africa Inland Mission (insert AIM details from above for Australia or NZ)
Donors in Australia can support the Africa Inland Mission from income generation through various means such as the investment of bequests or interest-free loans, share farming of crops and livestock, and proceeds from rental property, with income tax advantages for the donor. You can do this through our partner agency, Steer Inc., which can help you multiply your giving to missions overseas and in Australia. Find out more from or E:

Thank you for considering Africa Inland Mission in your will. Your gift will aid AIM in its ministry of partnering with churches to reach Africa and serving Africa’s churches. Your gift or bequest will help AIM International spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in Africa and the Indian Ocean islands. You can Invest in the future ministry of AIM International and help make a difference to the people of Africa. Your gift will have a lasting effect on lives in Africa and worldwid.