Ben Wirth – Newsletter 3

Fri 28/07


It’s now my 14th night in Korr. Woah, the days are going fast! It’s been tough at times but it’s also been really enjoyable as well. I’ve learnt a lot over the past few days. Having less of the comforts of home and living in a difficult environment, has tested my faith and truly taught me to rely on God more. Particularly the settling in over the first few days was tough. The uncertainty of not knowing how or when we could be useful here in Korr. The feeling that my faith is not strong enough. The strange looks I got walking in the town and feeling like a foreigner, like everyone’s watching you… The lack of friendships and not being able to communicate with many people…

I continued to pray for these things over the first few days as Rado and I attended the Africa Inland Church (AIC) service and gave our testimonies through a translator and later, were introduced to the primary and secondary schools here in Korr. God gave me great peace as I came to Him for help.

 The following days were joyful and hopeful as relationships began to form and with them, opportunities to love and serve. I was even able to share a devotional in the school assembly about God’s provision and how I had been provided for in the past few days. I mentioned Judges and Psalms as examples of His people crying out to help from God and him answering and delivering them. And then mentioned Luke 18:1-8, the parable Jesus told his disciples “to show them that they should always pray and not give up.”

The GO training program

For two weeks, I met and shared with a bunch of great people, who have felt callings to go on missions. We learnt together and prayed together and for each other as we enjoyed our time together in Kijabe and were prepared to go out on the mission field alongside other missionaries and ministries in the area. 5 teams altogether, 3 in Tanzania (1 couple has sadly had to go home due to medical issues), 1 in Nairobi, Kenya and us in Northern Kenya.

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We now continue praying for each other in our placements. This time was a really good time of preparation for me, where I learnt that I need to love and serve God, even when I don’t feel like it and to be assured that, when we’re serving God, it doesn’t matter how small or insignificant the task, God uses these things for His glory. It was during this time also, that I confirmed the need for spiritual disciplines such as Bible reading, prayer and journaling. Rado and I must rely on God’s help and so we continually pray together for this ministry, for each other and those around us. Pray that we would be growing in our prayer time and letting God use us. I have been journaling consistently since our time in Kijabe and have found it really useful to go back over and see all the things I’ve learnt and experienced with God.

The Desert Sports Team

Rado and I have been helping out in TIRRIM primary and secondary Christian schools in Korr. We have been able to help the teachers with their tasks and get to know the students during the sport periods and breaks, playing some intense football. They are all natural’s and make me look terrible on the field. But luckily they still let me play, despite their passion for the game, and cheer really loudly when the ‘mzungu’ ALMOST scores! Yes, I almost scored a goal. I think they’re going easy on me though…

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The school term has finished and we got to attend the closing school assembly and pray for the students and teachers over the break that we would continue to abide in Christ and remain safe and be refreshed over the break, ready for the next school term. I hear that youth and kids here, look forward to coming back to school after the break! So now we have 18 more days of school holidays (we must be in Nairobi by the 15h of August to go to Dar Es Salaam for our debrief, before I then head back to Korr after the 19th of August). During this time we are planning and hoping to help in and run bible studies and activities for youth and kids in the church and run small group bible studies or 1to1s in our home with some of the students we have become friends with and who are interested. Pray that these groups might work and that we would all be encouraged by each other and that God would grow us through this time.

 A bit about Korr/ Northern Kenya

Rado and I have now attended two Rendille church services, where we have really enjoyed  worshipping with many of the students and Rendille people. One lady will sing out a line and then the whole church is singing harmonies together, no books needed, and although we can’t understand exactly what they’re singing, or even what language it is (there are numerous language groups in the church), God is always worth praising in whatever way we can…

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We are inspired by all the lives that have been touched out here in Northern Kenya through one family, by the power of God. Now, there are numerous churches, being run solely by Rendille and Kenyan pastors who firmly believe in the word of God and men and women who are praising their saviour in song and going out and spreading the good news all over. We had the opportunity to have dinner with an AIM missionary family, called the Propsts, who have been in Korr for about 8 years now. Jim and Laura were telling us about one woman, Ndubaiyo, who was attending an adult literacy class run by some missionaries. Ndubaiyo wanted nothing to do with the Bible teachings that were taught, but just wanted to learn to read and write so that she could get the promised goat for completing the class. However, the teachers insisted that these Bible teachings were important and by the end she had converted, like many others. Since, then she would go kilometres out of town with her baby to spend nights with the warriors and evangelise to them.

Lots of Bible translation work has been going on to translate the Bible into Rendille. The New Testament has been completed and in use for a while and the Old testament is now almost finished and ready to be used. Today, Pastor David sent five Rendille women to come and collect some of the many, many audio bibles of different languages that are being given out in Northern Kenya.

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Where we’re staying

Rado and I are sharing a house in Korr. It is one of the few houses with electricity and running water and we’re enjoying being able to come home and relax here.

The Guest House


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Playing soccer in our yard


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–          Praise God for good health and safety!

–          Pray that Rado and I would continue growing in Christ as we have this amazing experience. Pray that we would be loving each other and learning from each other.

–          Pray that I would continue to love God, even when I don’t feel like it

–          Keep praying for courage and a desire to share the good news with the many who are still lost in this village. Especially for our endeavours in this holiday time and for relationships with the youth (David estimates about 5-8% are Christians in Korr)

Thank you so much for all your prayers and partnering with me in this ministry.  I can assure you, God has been growing me and teaching me and I really hope to be a good witness to these young guys!

In Christ,
