Oliver Lowoton, Kenya
Africa International University, Nairobi, Kenya Master’s in World Christianity

“This year during my class on Migration in the History of World Christianity I learned that migration permeates the Bible as the Bible begins and ends on migrants’ accounts. Yahweh’s account of mankind revolves around migration (Gen. 12:11-13; 14:13; Heb. 11:8). The exodus account becomes foundational due to migration. For me who comes from a pastoral/nomadic community (the Turkana) whose lifestyle is perennially migration; this course is significant. I wonder then why the mission churches are successful in sedentary farming communities and less successful in nomadic communities like the Turkana.

I am involved in radio broadcasting at Trans World Radio in Nairobi. I release daily and weekly radio messages, preaching in the Turkana language. Recently during the Easter Week I released messages such as: The Transfiguration; Israel Rejects Him; Triumphant Entry; Foot Washing; Garden of Gethsemane part 1 and 2; Betrayal; Good Friday; Early in the Morning; He is Risen part 1 and 2; The Garden Tomb; Joseph of Arimathea; Easter Faith part 1, 2, and 3 and Resurrection prophecies fulfilled. These are messages already prepared in advance in English by different pastors and missionaries in the USA and UK which I translate into the Turkana language, then release them over the radio.

My desire is to teach others what I have learned. The initiatives I have taken include setting up an Arid Zone College, which is now waiting final registration from the Kenya Ministry of Higher Education. The Bible School will be one of the campuses in this college. Presently I have received a donation of library books. I have donated a collection of my books as well as part of this start up institutional library.

I have already initiated the things I will do after graduation: The Virtual Academy; the Arid Zone College as explained above; the Trans World Radio programme now continuing, and the Ministry to Muslims in Eastleigh (Nairobi) and Kakuma Camp (Turkana County).”

(Several of the ATF Scholarship recipients are like Oliver in their passion to be used in missions within and outside of their cultural contexts. Pray for African missionaries and organizations who are partnering with AIM in various outreach locations.)

Author: David Rondeau

Gifts to the Advanced Training Fund

Gifts can be given towards this fund to support students training for leadership.

Contact Robbyn Lesleighter, adminfinance.aus@aimint.net, 02 4322 4777, to arrange direct debit, internet banking, or credit card payments. Cheques can be made out to Africa Inland Mission International (Aust.) Inc. and posted to PO Box 328 Gosford NSW 2250. You can also use the “Give” tab on this website to donate online.

Please quote Project Number IO-135 to indicate it is a gift to the Advanced training fund.

December 2013