Opportunities to Serve
Kotido Outreach Team Member
Serve as part of an ongoing outreach team serving among the Jie people, a clan of the Karimojong people, in northern Uganda. AIM is seeking men and women who are willing to come as learners, work with the local church, live incarnationally, build genuine relationships, reach out into the rural communities and passionately share the good news of Christ with the people of this region.
Professional skills in church work, medicine, agriculture, education or mechanics are welcome but not essential. Individuals, couples and families are welcome. We welcome any members whether longer-term (2yrs+) or longer short term (approximately 12 months) from October 2019.
The first six months of any assignment would be spent doing language and culture learning, as well as building friendships in the local community before starting formal ministry. A particular focus will be to help the church reach out into the rural manyattas where the majority of the Jie live.
Although the team in Kotido is split across two sites they regularly come together for prayer and fellowship, with potential for more frequent Bible study and prayer in each locale.
Northern Uganda
Personal Characteristics and Qualifications
Required: Mature Christian with experience sharing the gospel, leading Bible studies and discipling others.
Desired: Previous experience working in and sharing the gospel in cross-cultural situations.
Not essential but this team would welcome teachers, medical workers, veterinary workers, agriculture or livestock experience, as well as people with training in Farming God’s Way, Community Health Evangelism, Transformational Development, Microfinance, Chronological Bible storying.
Team members who are:
– Committed to prayer.
– Willing to come as a learner in everything.
– Flexible, as life here makes you bend!
– Commitment to language learning even when it gets hard or boring.
– Strong resilient, hopeful, optimistic faith.
– Tolerance and willing to understand other opinions even when you don’t agree.
Dec 18, 2018