Opportunities to Serve

Likawage Tanzania TIMO Team



In partnership with the Africa Inland Church of Tanzania, share the Good News of Jesus Christ in a rural Islamic community.
Join a 2.5-year TIMO (Training in Ministry Outreach) Team serving in a rural community near the Tanzanian coast. As part of this multinational team, you and your teammates will work to learn Kiswahili, the local language, and use a range of ministry platforms to provide inroads for the gospel among your neighbors. This could include teaching in a local school, ESL, agriculture, water and irrigation projects, and sports such as soccer and volleyball.

The community is very open to the team coming and has even designated a plot of land for a church.

Living in simple housing, you’ll learn to live without running water or electricity. Currently, there is no cell phone coverage, but that could change in the near future. Team members will be spread throughout the community but will come together once each week for a day of encouragement, prayer, planning, and to work through TIMO curriculum.

We’re seeking flexible team players with a heart for the lost and a love for people. Men and women who are willing and able to live very simply for the sake of the gospel. You’ll need to be able to endure heat and humidity, and you’ll need a degree or training certificate for immigration purposes.

TIMO (Training in Ministry Outreach) is a hands-on missionary training program designed to equip men and women for church planting among unreached peoples. Team members serve under the leadership of an experienced team leader and work to learn the local language and gain a deep understanding of the culture of their host community, as they build relationships and share Christ among their new neighbors and friends.


Likawage, Tanzania

Posted: October 2020