Did you do the “If the shoe fits…” quiz at a recent AIM event? Explore current opportunities linked to your shoe or resources to help you pray for the work of the gospel in Africa. The below is just a small sample of the many service opportunities available through AIM. Get in touch with us to find your exact fit.

Mountains. Snow-capped, forested, barren. There’s plenty to choose from. And many communities living among their valleys, slopes and plateaus. Often there are no roads, poor public radio coverage and a very limited cell phone network. There’s also no church. We need people like you to go and live among them. To love the scenery and love the people and most importantly, to tell them about Jesus.
- Long Term – Hurri Hurri Hills Discipleship Team
- Long Term – South Sudan Discipleship Team
- Short Term – GO Program (Training in Outreach)
- Short Term – FUEL Program (Training in Outreach)
- Long Term – Construction Engineer, South Sudan
- Short Term – Construction Manager, Kijabe, Kenya
Reaching an unreached people group with the gospel often means working closely with the national church. We need people like you to serve and encourage the church in Africa as they seek to reach their neighbours. Could you work alongside local evangelists, supporting them through Bible studies and working together to develop new initiatives to share the good news? Will you use your skills to grow God’s Kingdom in this way?
- Long Term – Scripture Engagement Consultants
- Long Term – South Sudan Discipleship Team
- Long Term – Theological Lecturer at NETS
- Long Term – Church Workers, South Sudan
- Long Term – Discipleship Trainer, DR of Congo
- Long Term – Church Worker, Namibia
- Focus Teams are designed to zero in on a particular people group or ministry. Team members are placed on a team of somewhat experienced colleagues with a leader to provide direction and vision; learning through study and experience.
Focus Team curriculum is set by the team leaders and varies from light, medium, to heavy. Teams run a minimum of two years and have flexible starting points, allowing team members to join a team even after its initial launch. As planting churches is a long-term endeavour, Focus teams are intentionally inviting members to stay on until the job is done.

How do you fancy living on an island paradise or beside the sea? Palm trees, beaches and beautiful sunsets. But what about the reality that is often hiding behind the beauty of these locations? People held captive by traditional African religions, fearful of taboos and the spirits of their ancestors. Or bound to forms of Islam. Could you be part of a team helping an island or coastal community understand the hope of heaven, sharing with them what paradise really means?
- Long Term – Outreach Workers, Madagascar
- Long Term – English/ESL Teacher, Indian Ocean Islands
- Long Term – Language Centre Outreach
- Long & Short Term Staffing Opportunities at Haven of Peace Academy (HOPAC) in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
- Short Term – English Teacher, Beira, Mozambique
- Short Term – English Teacher, Nosy Be, Madagascar
If you’re willing to help those in need, healthcare ministry could be perfect for you. You’ll meet people at their most vulnerable, needing your help and looking for answers. What an opportunity to point them to the ultimate answer, to Jesus the Great Physician. Often, the Lord uses healthcare to get
his people into difficult places where there are few witnesses of his grace, and very many lost souls. Will you go to them?
- Long Term – Clinical Psychologist
- Long Term – Marriage & Family Therapist
- Long Term – Mental Health Professional, Kenya
- Long Term – Psychiatrist AIM Care Kampala
- Short Term – Medical Electives
- Short Term – Physician at Kijabe Hospital Kenya
- Short Term – Midwife in Mandritsara Madagascar
- Short Term – Female Counselor in Residence, Rift Valley Academy, Kenya

Ever thought about farming for the gospel? Regardless of whether your current efforts are limited to herbs on your window ledge, or you’re selling produce to Tesco, there’s a role on a farm for you. We’re passionate about ‘Farming God’s Way’, using methods to improve the sustainability of farming and to care for God’s creation. Through teaching and demonstrating those techniques you could be involved in not only improving people’s living conditions, but their spiritual lives too.
Mission doesn’t just mean pioneering journeys and mud huts. It also means a chain of support that allows others to thrive on the mission field. We need staff in our Asia Pacific offices and those who work in offices across Africa to serve and play their roles. That can mean using accountancy, administration, marketing or pastoral gifts, to be a part of all that God is doing in Africa. Could you serve in this way? Occasionally, we advertise for staff in our Australian office. No paid work is currently available, but we regularly need volunteers to help with mail outs and other activities.

Did you know that around three billion people watch Premier League football? Sport has tremendous power to cross borders and often demonstrates to us the things we have in common. But could you use your interest in sport to go further? How about enjoying a game with local people, and through the friendships developed there, going on to tell them about Jesus? What an opportunity to do what you enjoy doing and to share the gospel!
Not everyone is called to serve overseas. But each of us are called by God to play a part in mission as together we work out the Great Commission. Could your role be to actively support us? We need people who will give regularly so that missionaries can serve overseas. We need people who will pray diligently for missionaries and unreached people groups. Why not explore further how you can get involved?

Got a tricky theological question? Why not Google it? Well, what happens if you’re a pastor in Africa, with a congregation looking to you? There’s no electricity (so no Google) and no theological books in their language, but could that pastor turn to you? We need people who will commit to teaching and training church leaders. People who will run seminars and teach diligently. People passionate about seeing the African church grow in Bible knowledge and depth of understanding.
- Long Term – Scripture Engagement Consultants
- Long Term – Theological Lecturer at NETS
- Long Term – Theological Education Teacher, Beira, Mozambique
- Long Term – Theological Educator, Lesotho
- Long Term – Theological Educator, Kenya
- Short Term – Bible College Lecturer Kapsabet
- Short Term – Bible School Teacher Sofala Bible Institute
- Short Term – Bible College Lecturer Kisumu
If you enjoy spending time with children, you could have a massive impact on the mission field. Without someone to teach their children, parents and sometimes whole teams can’t be effective in ministry. For many mission teams the vital cog is the teacher who is willing serve alongside them. We also need teachers in more traditional roles at boarding schools, both at primary and secondary level. Could you serve in this way?
- Long Term – Amani School Teacher
- Long Term – Home school and support teacher, Chad
- Long Term – Teacher for Missionary Children, Mozambique
- Short Term – Staffing Opportunities at the AIM boarding school Riff Valley Academy in Kenya
- Short Term – Staffing Opportunities at Haven of Peace Academy (HOPAC) in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
- Short Term – Grade 4 Teacher at Haven of Peace Academy (HOPAC) in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

Cut and thrust. Wheeling and dealing. Or just your standard nine-to-five. Whatever your business background, have you considered transferring those skills to Africa? And using your free time to talk to friends, neighbours and colleagues about the reason that you’ve relocated? Ultimately, sharing about Jesus is far more important than any job. But what if your job gave you unique opportunities to share the gospel with those who otherwise would never hear it?
Dusty and hot. Camels walking down main roads. Intermittent electricity and water that needs filtering. That’s what you meant when you picked a city to live in, right? Well, not all African cities are like that, but some are. And it’s often in the difficult to reach places, the difficult to live in places that people like you are most needed. So why not strap on your walking sandals and step into a new adventure?

We need people to work in a coffee shop. To run a library. To offer tours to tourists. To do life and live simply among unreached people groups in the cities of Africa. To do what you would do here, but to do it where you may be the only person who knows Jesus. We need people who want to live in a community, but more than that, who want to share the gospel of Christ with that community.
Jack of all trades? But willing to share about him who is Master of all? We need people like you who are willing to just get stuck in. People able to cope with an element of risk, knowing that any dangers they face are in order to share the gospel with those who would otherwise not have the chance to hear it. Will you go and share about Jesus among a Muslim people group in Africa?

When AIM started in 1895 the challenge was to move from the coast of Africa, inland. To places where missionaries had never been, where there were no roads and which sometimes weren’t even mapped. There are places and people groups in Africa that are still waiting for missionaries to go and tell them about Jesus. Could you serve among subsistence farmers, in the difficult to reach places, and tell them about the true bread of life?