FAQs about serving with AIM

FAQs about serving with AIM

Frequently asked questions about Africa Inland Mission How is AIM different from other mission organisations? We are an international organisation but our whole focus is on reaching unreached people groups of Africa – both on the African continent and in the diaspora...
Medi QUEST – A Short Term Ministry

Medi QUEST – A Short Term Ministry

MediQuest is a four to six week field orientation to a broad range of cross-cultural health ministries, reflecting the diversity of currently available options for medical service. It is particularly designed to stimulate reflection on the interaction of health...
Myth Busting!

Myth Busting!

Busting some MYTHS about being a missionary in Africa’s bush by Rachel Andersen, Kenya.   We need missionaries in Africa! We need people to take the Gospel and make disciples of the unreached, like the Gabbra people of Kenya. Often people are put-off by misconceptions...