Serving with AIM – Start Here
Thank you for taking a closer look at the ministry of Africa Inland Mission.
We’ve been privileged to play a part in helping hundreds of men and women just like you find a place in the work of the Great Commission.
God calls people from many walks of life to be his ambassadors: From church planters to graphic designers and medical professionals. If you are wondering if he can use you, the answer is yes.
We are grateful you’re thinking about opportunities with us. AIM’s ministry is but one avenue to explore your calling. In order to determine if we might be the right fit for you, first consider the following questions:
- Are you a citizen / current resident of Canada?
- Do you have a growing personal relationship with Jesus Christ?
- Are you actively involved in a local church community?
- Are you seeking to share the gospel and disciple others?
- Are you willing to raise your own financial and prayer support?
- Are you 19 or older?
If you answered YES to all of these, then you are ready to take the next step and find out a bit about our Candidate Team.
Still a bit uncertain? Scan through some FAQs – or ask us a couple of questions…
Need a bit more time to ponder and pray – and perhaps glimpse a bit more of who we are first? Sign up for our Discover AIM Inlander email series.
I answered YES
Find out a bit about our Candidate Team and the next steps in the process of serving with AIM.
A bit uncertain?
We have a whole list of frequently asked questions that may help – as well as a place to ask us a couple of questions.
Discover AIM with the Inlander email series.
Take the time you need to pray, seek God’s direction, or just wait until the timing is right. In the meanwhile, we invite you to stay connected to AIM and explore more about what it means to serve in missions. Sign up for a special email series designed for seekers like you.